CPE 471 Introduction to Computer Graphics

Winter 2004

Final Project

Professor Zoe Wood

Tami Trinh



Tamibot, is a 3D graphics program, that simulates the movements of a robot. She moves by keyboard presses and also has four pre-defined animations. These movements include waving, bowing, walking, and performing a ballerina spin. She can also be rotated to view other angles of her body. 


Figure 1. A screen-shot of Tamibot waving.


Figure 2. A screen-shot of Tamibot walking. She walks off the screen on the right and reappears on the left side.


The body parts of Tamibot were created using hierarchical modeling. The hands and feet were constructed using cylinders and spheres. Joints were also created with the use of spheres. This approach filled in the gaps when the body parts moved, and also generated a more realistic model. Disks were connected to the top and bottom of the cylinder chest to cover the gap observed when she is rotated. The accessories and skin have been texture mapped on to resemble a girl.


The help menu for the program is included below. It outlines the user instructions and features of the program. When the program is running, this menu is available by pressing 'h' or 'H' on the keyboard.

The user can move the body parts by pressing on the keys noted below.

To view the pre-defined animations, right-click with the mouse then select from the following options: Tamibot waving, bowing, walking, or performing a ballerina movement.

To rotate Tamibot, right click and drag.

'r' or 'R' resets Tamibot to her original position and orientation
'q' or 'Q' quits the program
'a' - moves lower left arm counter-clockwise
'A' - moves lower left arm clockwise
'z' - moves lower left arm forward
'Z' - moves lower left arm backward
's' - moves upper left arm counter-clockwise
'S' - moves upper left arm clockwise
'x' - moves upper left arm forward
'X' - moves upper left arm backward
'd' - moves upper left leg counter-clockwise
'D' - moves upper left leg clockwise
'c' - moves upper left leg backward
'C' - moves upper left leg forward
'f' - moves lower left leg counter-clockwise
'F' - moves lower left leg clockwise
'v' - moves lower left leg backward
'V' - moves lower left leg forward
'b' - moves neck forward
'B' - moves neck backward
'n' - moves chest forward
'N' - moves chest backward
'j' - moves lower right leg counter-clockwise
'J' - moves lower right leg clockwise
'm' - moves lower right leg backward
'M' - moves lower right leg forward
'k' - moves upper right leg counter-clockwise
'K' - moves upper right leg clockwise
',' - moves upper right leg backward
'<' - moves upper right leg forward
'l' - moves upper left arm counter-clockwise
'L' - moves upper left arm clockwise
'.' - moves upper left arm backward
'>' - moves upper left arm forward
';' - moves lower left arm counter-clockwise
':' - moves lower left arm clockwise
'/' - moves lower left arm forward
'?' - moves lower left arm backward