Ray Tracer by Daniel White
Download executable: Here
Download models: Tetrahedon	Checkerboard and Tetrahedon
Download source: Here

I set out to write a ray tracer that sent out 1 ray per pixel of output.
It would have the ability to calculate distance attenuation, reflections, refractions,
and shadows.  I set a limit on the depth of recursion for refractions and reflections 
to 3.  Although I believe it is capable of more, the program is already slow enough.

From a command line, call:
finalp [model name such as t.m] [reflections or refractions 0 for off, 1 for on] [distance attenuation 0 or 1] [shadows 0 or 1]
Then simply wait as the raytracer produces the results in a file of the format: "rays_sra.tga"
The program will periodically output percent of the rays completed.  The program will also
output upon success of input read, rays cast, and output file written.

In the following pictures I set up two models.  One contains just a tetrahedron, and
the other contains the tetrahedron and a checkerboard of 9 squares alternating black
and white.  Each square in the checkerboard is actually made of 2 triangles.  I then 
test various combinations of distance attenuation, reflections and refractions, and
shadows.  In the first two pictures there is one light source, but in the rest there
are two light sources.

Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation off, reflections and refractions off, shadows off

Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions off, shadows off

Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions on, shadows off

Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions on, shadows off

Checker board and Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions off, shadows off

Checker board and Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions off, shadows off

Checker board and Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions on, shadows off

Checker board and Tetrahedron - Distance attenuation on, reflections and refractions on, shadows on

The most notable result of all the pictures is when shadows are turned on.  
Yes they don't work at all.  I was so perplexed by the result that I chose not to focus 
my time on fixing it.  However we can see how the light is brightest closest to one of 
the light sources which is close to the bottom left of the screen.  There is also another
light above the tetrahedron casting that brighter circle down.  Whats interesting is how
the distance attenuation caused some of the black and white squares to approximately
the same color.  The very first picture shown is almost solid color; the change in color
is due to the change in the lighting vector that connects each point of the tetrahedron to 
the light source.