Magnet Madness (by Josh Prior)      Download























In Magnet Madness there are three types of objects that  you will encounter, North

magnets, South magnets, and Neutral materials. These objects take the form of little

magnetic balls and hovering doughnut shaped magnets.











North                                                  South                                       Neutral




































The object of the game is to get all the balls into this goal box.

You accomplish this by turning the doughnut shaped magnets

on or off to push and pull the balls through the maze. To

change the state of a doughnut magnet you must fly close to it,

then on the keyboard press either +,-, or 0. Plus turns the

doughnut magnet into a North magnet, so it will pull South

magnetic balls and repel North magnetic balls. Minus turns the

doughnut magnet into a South magnet, and Zero turns the

magnet off all together. In Magnet Madness neutral

balls (sliver), are attracted to both North and South magnets,

but they exert no force on the North and South balls. Clever

usage of the magnets will allow you to push and pull the

balls through the maze to the goal box. Once all the balls have

been captured you win and the game ends.




  View Mode:

      Pressing 'V' will toggle between full screen and windowed

      view mode. When in full screen mode you do not need to click

      the mouse in order to rotate the view.





      W  -  Forward

      S    -  Backward

      A   -  Left

      D   -  Right



      +     -  North

      0     -  Off

      -     -  South



      G     -  New game

      H     -  This help display

      V     -  Toggle full screen mode

      U     -  Toggle texturing

      F     -  Toggle force vectors

      N     -  No clip mode (fly through walls/floor)

      Q     -  Quit






The Physics:

First of all, I know there’s no such thing as a magnetic mono-poll,

            so the whole idea of this game is sort of ridiculous.  The game

really isn’t about magnets, it’s about electrons and protons,

because the force equation I used was the electric force equation.

It’s just more fun to make them magnets. Alright, that said, this

isn’t too complicated of a program. The basic idea is:


- create a bunch of balls/magnets


- every time delta calculate the force acting on a ball by all

the other magnets using the electric force equation:

F = K * Q * q / d^2, where K is the electric force constant,

Q is the charge (in coulombs) of the electric field affecting

the ball, q is the charge (in coulombs) of the ball

its self, and d is the distance from the ball to the

source of the electric field. I used unreal and exaggerated

numbers to tune my system to act in the way I know it should.


- use the force to calculate a the instantaneous change in

velocity, then add this change to the velocity vector for the

ball. F = mass x acceleration  and acceleration = dV/dt

:. dV = F * mass * dt, where mass is an arbitrary number,

and dt is the number of times per second that this calculation

is performed.


- move the ball in the direction of the velocity vector by the

magnitude of the velocity vector.


The only other physics involved is the collision with the walls of

the maze.  This is pretty simple since the walls are parallel

to the x and z axes. All that happens is, if the ball is hitting the

wall that is parallel to the x axis then I flip the sign on the

balls velocity x co-ordinate. Likewise for the z axis. This causes

            the ball to reflect off of the wall.



The Implementation:

The Ball class has a method called move( ), not only does it change

the position coordinates for the ball, but it also calculates the

amount of rotation required for the ball to roll to its destination,

based on the circumference of the ball and the distance to be

traveled. The rotation of the ball is stored in a rotation matrix

that is similar in concept to the trackball matrix.


The maze is represented by a vector of wallJoint objects. Each wall joint

describes the intersection of 0 to 4 walls. The default play field is

20 by 20 maze cells so that’s potentially 400 wall collisions that would

have be checked for each ball, every 1/30 th of a second. To avoid this

massive over head in calculation, I exploited some of the aspects of

the play field geometry. For example, the wall joints are evenly spaced

across the play field, and each joint is capable of describing the walls

near it. So I wrote a transformation function that takes the co-ordinates

of a ball and returns the vector index of the wallJoint that is closest

to the ball. The vector is not searched to find the joint! Using the

wallJoint obtained from the transformation function, I can determine

if there is a collision between the ball and one of the walls that is near

it. Another optimization to speed up wall/ball collision detection, all

the walls are axis aligned, so detecting collisions reduces to comparing

the positions of the wall joint verses the position of the ball. No dot

product is required for this calculation.


Also what makes the wall joints really cool, is that the models for the

walls are actually stored as a meshes of quads that are dynamically

generated at the start of the program based on constants that describe

height, width, ect. So between runs the dimensions of the walls can be

adjusted, and during runtime they are still quick to draw to the screen.





Game mode:

            Lighthouse 3D



Simple reflection / alpha blending: 

            NeHe Productions!


Random maze generation: (I implemented the recursive division algorithm)

            Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


HUD display using ortho projection:

            Lighthouse 3D



Electric force equation:

            Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.




            Texture And Colour