CSC 471 Final Project

Winter 2007



By Meshaal Al Rushaid



The bouncy ball game is a pong type game that consists of a ball and a tiled floor. The object of the game is to keep the ball bouncing on the floor. But watch out! Tiles are made of different materials and will affect the ball differently. The more you keep the ball bouncing, the higher your score will be.  Did I mention that the floor randomly generates whenever a ball hits it?


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Screen Shots





Types of Tiles


Blue Checkered Tile

Bounce: This tile is made from a fairly hard material, so it will bounce your ball high

Surface: not always flat. Will change the direction of the ball sometimes


Grass Tile

Bounce: What do you think? it's grass!

Surface: Flat, but that won't help you


Steel Tile

            Bounce: Made of steel

            Surface: Always flat


Holy Tile

            Bounce: This is the highest bounce in the game. Make sure you don't pass it

            Surface: Always flat



Key Commands


            Mouse+Mouse Left Button    Move floor

            p          Pause Ball

            r           Reset Game

            d,D      Increase difficulty

            a,A      Decrease difficulty

            q          Quit



You can access the menu from the right mouse button.





            .Floor Layout


            ...Add a Row

            ...Remove a Row


            ...Add a Column

            ...Remove a Column

            .Pause Ball

