My final project is a simple ball game. The goal of the game is to collect all the pennys in the world. You do this by rolling around the ball using the mouse. 


-mouse: move the ball by clicking the left button and moving the mouse around

| key | action
| 'w' | move camera  forward 
| 's' | move camera back / start new game 
| 'a' | move camera  left 
| 'd' | move camera right 
| 'c' | adjust color of light 
| 'o' | toggle shading mode 
| 'q' | exit 


The start screen of the game

The texture mapped ball during the game

Level 1 from far distance


-CSC 471 Lectures, Notes, and past labs & programs

-Angel, Edward. OpenGL A Primer. Boston: Addison - Wesley, 2002.