Trontastic Lightcycling

Nicolas Orrben

CSC471 Zoe Wood

3 – 21 - 2007



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Trontastic Lightcycling is a program designed to mimic the feel and main ideas of the game played in Disney’s 1982 classic Tron.  Two lightcycles face off on a grid, executing quick turns in an attempt to cut off and eventually force their opponent either into a wall or into the trailing light walls.  In an attempt to make the game last longer, the lightcycles can pass through walls of their own color with no ill effects.



Red Bike

·         ‘Z’       Turn 90° Left

·         ‘X’       Turn 90° Right


Blue Bike

·         ‘<’       Turn 90° Left

·         ‘>’       Turn 90° Right



·         ‘P’       Pause or resume the gameplay

·         ‘R’       Reset the positions of the cycles and pause the game



·         ‘W A S D’       Move the camera (as per standard, with strafing)






Some features to look out for include, accurate collision detection between cycles and trails and cycles and walls.  Also, the cycles movement is very smooth, utilizing a timed movement function.  The cycles themselves are composed of 11 glut primitives all scaled and positioned for maximum aesthetic benefit.  The floating green “Recognizers” will be a kick for anyone who has seen the movie itself.  The two grid containing tori will change color on a cycle collision to indicate the winner of the round.  The light trails themselves are dynamically generated quadratic loops.





Faced off and ready to compete




Deep in battle




Blue lightcycle wins, the world changes to acknowledge Red’s defeat.