
Richard Sue


Project Description

The project simulates a carousel. The carousel animals consist of four models from the CSC 471 data page: a bunny, a gargoyle, a T-Rex, and a dragon. These models are all drawn using display lists. The carousel itself is made up of a cone for the top, five cylinders for the poles, a disk for the floor, and a cylinder for the bottom. The ground, skybox, animals, and carousel are all texture mapped. There are five lights around the world, all of which are turned up very bright in order to light the skybox properly. Clicking on the animals will play a different sound file depending on the animal clicked. The program keeps track of how many times each animal has been clicked, and these statistics can be viewed through a button on the GLUI window.




Camera Control


Carousel Control (GLUI window)



Display Lists Tutorial:







GLUI window