Captain America Robot

This Captain America Robot simulation is based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America. It was created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for Professor Zoe Wood’s CPE 471 Graphics class at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in the winter quarter of 2007.

The Captain America Theme Song: (It is essential to have this in your head while controlling the Captain America Robot. To get the tune of the song click here for the lyrics with sound!!!)

When Captain America throws his mighty shield,

All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.

If he’s led to a fight and a duel is due,

Then the red and white and the blue’ll come through

When Captain America throws his mighty shield.

Use Instructions:

Use the mouse to move the direction of the camera

Menu Options:


The Captain America Robot is a hierarchical model made from gluQuadrics in OpenGL. He is uniformed with red, white, and blue materials that you can see due to the lighting in the room. When the shield is thrown it uses collision detection to bounce off the walls and the Captain America Robot uses collision detection to catch the shield. If the shield ventures behind the Robot he will turn so that he can see, and catch the shield if he is able. He will then return to his original position. Targets can be set in the room, and they will change color when hit. The colors will be reset when the targets are reset in the room. Try throwing the Captain America Robots shield at different angles to hit them.

Screen Shots: