Cal Poly Shoot'em Challenge
by Tristan Cheever
Welcome to the Cal Poly Shoot'em Challenge homepage!

I created this game for my CSC471 (Intro To Graphics) final project. The setting is a Cal Poly training facility (see the green and gold paint!). The object of the game is to make as many shots as possible in two minutes.

The program is written in C++ using OpenGL. The court was created used texture maps for the floor and walls, six pt source lights, and way too many glVertex3f() calls! The transparent backboards were achieved by settings the material alpha channels to 0.1 and enabling a glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). The basketball is texture mapped with a sample from an image of an official NBA game ball. The basketball is a hierarchical model of one gluSphere and four gluSolidTorus's to make the black lines. Other shapes used in this program include, gluPartialDisk and gluCylinder (with GL_LINE set instead of GL_FILL for the net).

* To move around use the 'a', 'w', 's', 'd' keys.
* To look around use the mouse.
* To enter Game mode and start a new game press 'n'.


* You will have 2 minutes to make as many shots as possible.
* The timer is displayed on the console.
* Try to stop the white markers on top of the yellow markers by pressing the spacebar.
* The backboard will light up green when the shot is good.
* The difficulty menu can be opened by right clicking on the court window.
* Higher difficulties will multiply the points scored by a larger value.