Brett's Bouncing Lights




The Dramatic Explanation

Imagine a room; an empty room. It takes up the entire view of the window. It goes back a distance, but is not an infinite distance. There are three spheres in the room; one red, one green, and one blue. All of the spheres are moving about within the room. Following one of the spheres, it is noticed that its brightness seems to be dimming as time passes. It also seems to be slowing down and falling, as if gravity existed in the room. But then it strikes a wall! It suddenly brightens and ricochets off the surface it strikes. Striking another sphere seems to have the same effect. This continues until it ends up losing its momentum and comes to rest on the floor, with its light dimmed out. Then the process starts anew.

The Reasonable Explanation

The idea for this project was to have a room that had as one of its sides the window of the program. Within the room would be three spheres; one for each of the colors of RGB. These spheres would bounce around the room with random velocities, ricocheting off of the walls and each other. The intensity of the light emanating from the spheres would die as time past between ricochets off of surfaces. When there was a ricochet, though, the light intensity would go back to its maximum.

Gravity and air friction was also to be there. This would allow for the spheres to eventually end up lying on the ground. With no more ricochets off the walls, the spheres would eventually have their light completely die out. When that occurred, the spheres would start again with random velocities and the process would begin again.

Of course all of this is what happens.
