Bust -A- Noid

By: Kathy Nguyen

Program Description:

Bust -A- Noid is a simple game with mixed features from the original games: Bustamove and Arkanoid.  The goal of the game is to shoot and hit all of the bubbles at the top of the screen.  This program demonstrates: Texture mapping, Transform Matrices, Animation, Lighting and Materials, Event Handling, Collision Detection, and simple Sound.


User's Guide


- Press ' h ' to display the help menu

- Press ' UP ' arrow key to launch a shooting ball onto the base

- Press ' DOWN ' arrow key to launch and shoot the ball straight up

- Press ' LEFT ' arrow key to move the base to the left incrementally

- Press ' RIGHT ' arrow key to move the base to the right incrementally

- Press ' c ' to toggle the drawing of the centers of the spheres (used for collision detection)

- Press ' s ' to toggle background music and event music (from keyboard)

                 default = background music on and event music for moving base and shooting ball sounds off

- Right mouse button brings up level menu (Level 1 or Level 2) or exits





    Level 1                        Level 2





Tutorials: http://nehe.gamedev.net/

Backgrounds: http://www.tws3d.com/index.shtml

Lighting: http://www.homepla.net/xml/x/opengl/light.html

Sound:  http://www.pocketpcdn.com/articles/print_multiplewaves.html

Texture Mapping (Image Loader), Dr. Wood:


Collision Detection: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/boundingsphere/
