CPE 471 Final Project: 3D Engine

By Luke Winkenbach

A 3D graphics engine is the framework behind any 3D game. Big game software companies like id, and Valve create complex 3D engines for their games, and smaller software companies will license these big engines to create their own games. It was my goal to make a simplified 3D graphics engine, and incorporate as many aspects of a good engine as I could.

Program Description

This program is a quick demonstration of the 3D engine I created for this project. It involved two 2 rooms connected by two different hallways. The user move around this world in a first person perspective similar to games like quake, doom, and half-life. The features of the 3D engine are shown below:

Program Usage

The usage is very similar to most first person games. Movement is done with the 'w' and 's' keys for moving back and forwards, and the 'a' and 'd' keys for strafing left and right. Looking is done with the mouse.

Screen Shots

Here we can see a table in a room. Notice the shadow casted by the table, and the shading on the walls.

Here we are looking down a hallway. Notice how the walls make the hallway dark, but light can spill in from the rooms.


Here is a list of sites I used for references for different aspects of the engine.