Mark Fleischmann
Final Project - Fractal Terrain generator
Creates random fractal landscapes from random numbers.
Read in bitmap images and texture map them on to the generated
Yet to be added:
I would like to have been able to add a sky and better scale the mesh so that
there is no clipping and so that you can't see past the landscape.
A day and night environmental lighting scheme.
A camera that allows you to better navigate through the scene.
Screen Shots:
Random terrain drawn in wireframe
Random teraain drawn with a texture map.
Random terrain drawn with another texture map.
Program usage:
Press 'c' to toggle camera translations, click and drag the mouse to move the
camera around.
Press 't' to toggle mesh translations via a virtual trackball, click and drag
the mouse to rotate the mesh.
Press 'e' to toggle between wireframe rendering and texture mapped.
Press 'l' to toggle the lights.
Press 's' to generate to the program generate a new random terrain.
Press 'm' to cycle between different texture maps.
Generating random fractal terrain: