Subtitled: Beat On The Bunny


To use a spherical object to deform a given mesh. In this case, a bunny rabbit. Though any mesh in the .m format would suffice. The bunny was chosen purely for aesthetic reasons.


All fucntions descrbied in this menu can also be accessed via the right click menu.
v: change from perspective to orthographic and back again.
g: generate a new explosion at a random position around the mesh
d: change the deform mode from either destroying vertices to deforming the position of the vertices
p: pause the action.
r: reset the scene and reload the mesh to its original state.
t: turn test mode on and off. This will highlight each vertex afected by the explosion.
q: quit the program.
h: display this message.



Bunny pre-abuse.

Bunny Loses A Face

Bunny Gets A Little Pinched

Bunny Has A Chunk Taken Out

Image showing the virtual explosion sphere as it was used to deform the bunny. Affected vertices are highlighted in red.



Levi Gatsos and Bruce Sales (my roommates) for explaining several of the finer points of sphere and vertex geometry to me. most notably, proportional triangles. Who knew?

http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ - An invaluable mathematical resource from which I drew algorithms for picking random points on the surface of a sphere.