by Sean Dinsmore



Program Description

            This program is a simple golf swing generator.  Using the mouse, you can swing the driver and hit a ball, while finding out how far you hit

it and with what kind of shape (hook or slice).  The environment was created using texture maps, while the objects of the world (such as the tray of

balls, golf club and the tee) were made using glu Objects.  As with all great golfers, this one hits the ball left-handed.


 Swing Creation

        The golf swing was modeled after a realistic golf swing.  If you look carefully at the swing, you can see that it is very near a ‘perfect’ golf

swing; that is, it is always on plane, the club face is square to the swing arc, and the club is parallel to the ground and to the target line at the top

of the swing.  To create the swing, 5 different rotations were used, around 3 different centers of rotation.  These rotations are the body

rotation (around the spine), wrist cock (hold your hands together and bend your wrists up), wrist ‘slide’ (hold your hands together and move them

both to the left), wrist rotation (around your forearms), and arm lift.  To make the swing appear realistic, all these rotations must have a certain

scale, and more importantly, happen in a certain order at correct times.  The downswing was modeled the same as the backswing, except that

the rotations went on longer in order to simulate a follow through.


Ball Flight and Trajectory

            Ball flight was created by setting the ball on a circular path.  Only part of the circle was used, though, from 45 degrees to 135 degrees.

This way, the ball started out on a straighter path instead of a more circular path (from 0 to 180 degrees).  Also, the trajectory was stretched

using a 4x4 matrix.  Shape was added to the shot by rotating the ‘circle’ around the z-axis, thus having the ball curve yet end up in the middle

of the fairway.  This is exactly the same behavior a real golf ball would have if it was hit from an inside/outside swing path with a square

club face.


Swing Variations

While using this program, you may notice that no two swings/results are ever the same.  This is because while taking the club back with the mouse,

if there is any lateral movement with the mouse, the club with be pushed/pulled outside/inside the optimal swing path.  This will create a slice or a hook. 

To hit the ball the farthest, you must take the club straight back (no lateral mouse movement) the farthest it will go.


Program Usage

        There are many options in this program.  To view a swing without actually hitting the ball, hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse

back and forth.  Releasing the mouse will reset the club to the original position.  To hit the ball, drag the club back with the mouse while holding down

the left mouse button.  To initiate the downswing, either release the left mouse button or simply move the mouse forward.   You can move the camera

around by holding down the middle mouse button and moving the mouse around.  To zoom the mouse, use the +/- keys on the keyboard.  To view a

perfect swing performed by the computer, press the ‘a’ key.  All shot results will be displayed on the console after the ball has landed.


Screen Shots


Top of the Swing


Top of the Swing viewed from above


Follow-Through Viewed from the Front






No Outside References Were Used Besides Lecture Notes and a few Website Code Samples for the Animation Timer