CPE 471 Final Project: The Simpsons Family Room

                 featuring Homer Simpson


Program Description

     Simple as the title, this program provides my best efforts at mimicing the family room of the Simpsons family. In addition to the trademark furniture, I have designed a simple hierarchical model of Homer Simpson and allowed the user to control Homer and have him interact with the environment. He can walk, jump, sit down, eat a down, and do a little bit of Simpson style breakdancing.

Homer Controls

Keyboard Controls:
’w’ moves Homer forward                         ‘a’ turns left

‘s’ moves backwards                                 ‘d’ turns right

‘q’ quits                                                     ‘r’ resets Homer to initial position

‘e’ makes Homer sit on the couch             ‘t’ Homer eats donut (only when sitting)

‘x’ breakdance (disco ball included)         ‘c’ toggles between first and third person camera

‘j’ causes Homer to jump                          ‘h’ prints a basic help screen

‘l’ changes lighting modes (mostly for dancing mode)



    When in third person mode, the x-axis of the mouse controls a simple elliptical rotation about the room.

Features That Did Not Make the Time Cut

  • Free Range Movement Camera
  • Additional Rooms
  • Collision Detection
  • Other Models (Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, etc…)


Screen Shots

Look familiar to Anyone?

First Person View Mode


A little Homer disco action.

Bet you didn’t know Homer could jump…