3D Reflective Chess

This program displays a 3D chess board and a mechanical hand.

- fast reflection of the chess board using the stencil buffer
- transparency blending with the reflection
- fast rendering through display lists (though cartoon is still slow becasue outlinning can't be saved in a display lists as it depends on the angle)
- heiraticle modeling of a hand which can be moved about the area, and grip
- multiple display modes for the chess pieces (wire, flat, smooth, and cartoon)
- various orientation overlay aids

h -- Help, (this menu) displays an explanation of the command codes.
Camera Controls:
(i, j, k, l) --> (up, left, down, right)
Hand Controls:
(r, d, f, g, +, -) --> (forward, left, down, back, up, down)
1 -- cycles through which joint to move
2 -- curls joint
3 -- uncurls joint
4 -- grip with hand
5 -- ungrip with hand
m -- Toggles camera translation mode on and off.
o -- Orbit Mode: mouse drags cause the camera to orbt the scene.
s -- Scale Mode: mouse drags scale the scene.
z -- resets camera rotation back to start position.
Global Display Options:
e -- Iterates through Display Modes (wire, flat, smooth)
a -- Toggles display of the axis on and off.
; -- Toggles display of the axis ticks on and off.
u -- Toggles display of the unit sphere on and off.
. -- Toggles display of the grid on and off.
, -- Toggles display of the mouse drag vectors.
p -- Switches between Ortho view and perspective view
Debug normal display options:
n -- Toggles display of triangle normals (green) I think this broke
w -- Toggles display of vertex normals (blue)
y -- Toggles display of edge normals (red)
q -- Quits the program.

Graphics 471
June 2005
Jon Dewey