JEDDY'S 3D Poker Game

Brief  Description:

    The object of the 3D poker game is to be able to play poker with using one screen as known as hot seat play. 

1.  Animated Deal:

The hands are dealt out to each player with a dealer like spin originating from the entire deck.  The 52 card deck is off center and the cards come flying out rotating towards the underneath of the players hands.

2.  Rotate First Person Scene:

The camera rotates around the table to the next player, then zooms in to the first person perspective so a player can see his/her hands.

3.  Hand Protection and Peek:

Once the camera is zoomed in first person perspective, he/she can move the mouse up in the Y-axis to slow lift the card up, expose the face of the hand.

User's Guide:

    The program begins with an overview of the table and the button is located on player1.  You can adjust the camera to look around the casino and observe the scene.  The game is not initated until user has press 's' to start the deal and rotate to the first player to act ('player under the gun', poker slang).   Right clicking on the screen will activate a menu which display the players options to act.

Screen Shots:

intial scene:
(birds eye view)

first person look:

(glimpse of Phil Ivey and Me)

peek at hand:

overview of the board: