Final Project Proposal
CSC 471
Jimmy Hua


A graphic computer program is an interesting program to create. It both implements visual and background technical concepts. One way to show off these is a computer animation program. For my final project, I propose to create a computer animation.
This animation will be completely done in OpenGL.


The animation is written in OpenGl. The program gets its mesh from a data structor that has an array of vertices and faces. Date structure was generated by Crossroads, from a 3DS file. The transformation is done by using matrices and manipulating the matrices to keep the current rotation and translation of the object. The environment is a large sphere with a texture map. These information can be taken from the labs that Dr. Zoe Wood has provided to her students. Sound was added by using Window's api.

Refer to this site for sound:
Note: This command can only play wave files.


To basic load up of the program, double click on the exe. If you want to load up a "*.m" file you must execute the exe through the command prompt and use the name of the "*.m" as the first argument.

"q" - quit
Left click - click and drag to rotate around the environment.


Examples of Gundams: