Game Description:

The title says it all; the game is a 3D version of the game Missile Command(or more accurately, a 3D version of the mac version of the game, Patriot Command).

Essentially, players have a group of buildings they must protect. Incoming missiles threaten to the destroy the buildings, and the players protect the buildings by choosing locations in space in which to cause explosions to destroy incoming missiles.


How to Play:

You can rotate the camera around by holding the right mouse button. Up and down provide yaw controls while left and right provid pitch controls.

You choose where you want to cause an explosion by clicking and holding TWICE on the left mouse button. Note, that your position is determined by mouse displacement, NOT ACTUAL POSITION ON THE SCREEN.

The first click(and drag) determines your position on the xz plane. Moving left and right moves the cursor left and right, relative to your point of view. Likewise, moving up and down moves the cursor away and towards you.

The second click(and drag) determines the y value of your position. Note, there is a minimum height at which you can cause an explosion(don't want to hit your own buildings, after all!)


Things To Note:

The game only contains one leve(20 missiles)l: future modifications will add more levels of varying difficulty.



Opening screen.


An explosion in the air and a building being destroyed.


A missile in the air, and it's shadow on the ground.


Targeting system. Notice the similarity to Homeworld.