
A simple game written in C++ using the OpenGL graphics library

Written by Russell Palmiter


Project Description

My Gizzame draws much of its influence from the game "Candy Crisis," previously titled "Skittles," a game produced for the macintosh computer. For those of you who are not familair with Skittles it is a game that closely remsembles Dr. Mario. And for those yet who are still not familiar with Dr. Mario, it is a game that resembles that of tetris, only the objective is match piece colors together and not tightly pack lines.


Game Lineage



The object of the game is gain as many points as possible. To obtain points you have to connect pieces of a similar color and pattern. The scoring system consists of an exponential component for the number of pieces you make dissappear at once and a multiplier for the number of different combinations that result from that. For example, if you were to make 4 pieces disapear at once, and they then in turn made another piece fall that caused 5 pieces to dissappear you would get 2^4 + 2*2^5 pts.

Additional Things That Can Happen


User Guide

The following keys control the shape as it falls into place:

J - Move falling pieces left

L - Move falling pieces right

Z - Rotate falling pieces clockwise

X - Rotate falling pieces counter-clockwise

The following keys are present in the demonstration version of the game only:

P - Automatic level up

F - Performe an Extreme Flip of the board (y axis only)

V - Toggle increasing speeds with leveling up


Screen Shots

Intro Screens


Different Levels



Media Files

Game Media:

Game Binary:


Useful Resources

OpenGL Documentation

Interactive Rendering of Trees

Professional Billboarding

Easy Billboarding with Code

Nehe Fog Lesson

OpenGL Examples (Sweet Stuff)

Volumetric Fog

Light and Fog Tutorial

Great OpenGL Tutorials (has everything)