Super Happy Fun Tank Go!

Created by Dave Parent

Download Super Happy Fun Tank Go!

What is Super Happy Fun Tank Go! ?

Super Happy Fun Tank Go! is an action packed shoot-'em-up game that runs on both Mac OS X and Windows XP. You control the Super Happy Fun Tank and blow up planes as they fly across the screen. Just don't get blown up yourself!

Super Happy Fun Tank Go! features 3D models and lighting. Every time you fire the machine guns or the cannon, the muzzle flashes reflect off the Super Happy Fun Tank's shiny metal exterior. The fiery explosions from bombs and planes also reflect off Super Happy Fun Tank and the bombs and planes themselves.

The display on the left side of the screen shows you your score, Super Happy Fun Tank's armor, the cannon's status, your total kills, and the total number of escaped planes.

As planes fly across the screen, they drop bombs. Use the 'A' and 'D' keys to move Super Happy Fun Tank left and right across the frozen tundra to avoid bombs. Be careful! Exploding bombs will weaken Super Happy Fun Tank's armor. When the armor is gone, Super Happy Fun Tank will explode and the game will be over!

Super Happy Fun Tank's state of the art targetting system makes it easy for anyone to shoot down enemy planes with just one hand! Use the mouse to aim with the crosshairs and click to fire the machine guns. The tracer rounds fly through the air and cause small explosions on the hulls of planes and bomb shells. To the fire the cannon, push the space bar. The shell fired by the cannon can take out any enemy in a single hit! But use the cannon wisely... It takes 10 seconds to reload.

Try to destroy as many planes as you can to rack up points (+200). If a plane escapes, you lose points (- plane's remaining health, max 200). Destroying bombs before they hit the ground will also give you points (+50). Explosions damage anything within their radius. If you're skilled (or just lucky), you can receive bonus points by causing chains of explosions (+25 for every extra explosion). The higher your score, the more difficult the game gets. Planes will start flying faster, appear more often, and drop more bombs. Can you score over 100,000 points? (It's hard!)

If you forget the controls or are suddenly struck with amnesia and can't remember the objectives, you can push the 'H' key to pause the game and display them.

Technical Features
