This is Punch.

He loves the game of fetch

Program By

        Li Yang

        Csc 471





 Punch is a hierarchical model which interacts with the user through playing fetch and taking long walks. The control scheme is composed of two modes. The first of which allows the user to throw bones at a distance based on the gauge to the right. The second mode allows the user to use the mouse to control punch around the world. This program uses many automated sequences during which the user has no control, i.e. the fetch mode.


Welcome to Punch's world.

This is fetch mode. Users are able to throw bones for Punch to chase down. To the right of the screen is a gauge indicating the distance to throw the bone. The user may control the direction the bone is thrown by clicking the mouse anywhere on the screen. The instant the mouse is clicked, control over punch is suspended as he hastily attempts to retrieve the bone



Watch OUT!

Didn't I tell you the world's rigged with explosives!

Punch will blow things up if he runs through them! So go out there and throw the bone so punch has to run through objects!


Tired of Fetch?

If you're tired of fetch, or you just can't aim!, you can explore the world with punch.

Press the "m" button to switch modes.

As you move your mouse on the screen, punch will move depending on where the mouse is. If the mouse is above Punch, he will move in the z direction away from you. If you move your mouse below Punch, he will run towards you. Punch will run left and right with respect to the mouse. The camera operates by following punch wherever he goes so you never lose site of him. If you want to return to fetch mode, press "m" again. This will reset punch to the center of the world.


Wasn't That Exploding House Cool!

Wanna see that house blow up again! Just press "r" to reset everything in the world.


Put Some Style into His Step!


If you get bored with Punch's style, you can change his coat. Press "t" anytime to change his colors. He sports five different colors of fur!




"r"        ---Resets objects and moves Punch to the center of the world

"t"        ---Scrolls through optional coats for Punch

"m"      ---Switches between fetch mode and  walking mode

"q"        ---Careful when exiting, press "q" and see why. 

                    <Hint> Remember! Look both ways before crossing.


References to Textures: