The Bender Show
Liem Truong
CSC 471 Spring 2006
Zoë Wood
Project Description:
This project demonstrates the use of hierarchical modeling to model Bender, a comic anti-hero from Futurama.  The project include simple animations of the Bender model as he reacts to preset questions posed by the user through a simple menu.  In addition to Bender's animated reaction, sound is added to each reaction for the full "Bender" effect.  Finally, the project incorporate OpenGL elements such as viewing, lighting, and texture mapping.
The hierarchical model of Bender is made with various types of OpenGL primitives including: gluCylinder, gluSphere, glutSolidSphere/Cube/Torus.  After the model was created, I created simple textures to apply to Bender's limbs, front of body, and mouth.  Finally animation allow Bender's antenna to wiggle, his head to rotate and tilt, and his arm to move in relation to his various reactions.


The user can move around in the 3D world using the 'w', 'a', 's', and 'd' (or arrow keys).  To change the camera view, the user can click and drag the left mouse button.  To change between the wireframe and solid Bender model, the user can hit the 'b' key.  Finally, all of Bender's animated responses are triggered by a simple menu which can be accessed by right-clicking the mouse button.
