Final Project


The Bunny Game


By Reza Olfat

CSc 471



The goal of this project is to create a fun and useful game to showcase the skills and concepts learned this quarter in CSC 471. In this program, the user moves a bunny around to eat carrots as they appear in the world. The more carrots they eat, the higher the score. The player must eat the carrots at least as fast as they appear on the screen. Once there are 10 carrots on the screen, player loses.


Users Guide:

 Camera Movement:

            Left-click and drag to change the camera angle.

 Bunny Movement: 

           ‘w’ / ‘s’ – move forwards and backwards

            ‘a’ / ‘d’ – move left and right

            ‘e’ / ‘c’  - move up and down


Other commands:

            ‘r’ – reset the camera and bunny to initial starting position

            ‘1’ – glimpse at camera from side view

            ‘2’ – glimpse at camera from top view

            ‘3’ – glimpse at camera from original (rear) view

            ‘q’ – quit game

            ‘h’ – print help menu



Screen shots:

Start View


Loser Bunny


CSC 471 Lectures, Notes, and past labs & programs

Angel, Edward. OpenGL A Primer. Boston: Addison - Wesley, 2002.