Rock Paper Scissors
CSC 471 Final Project - Spring 2006
Mike Panian
The picture above shows a sample game of rock, paper, scissors being played between the player and a computer opponent. The rules of the game are that each player choose from the three available forms of rock, paper, and scissors each with their distinct advantages.
Rock is represented as a closed fist with thumb resting on the edge of the other four fingers. Rock always beats scissors but never beats paper.
Paper is represented as a stretched out flat hand with the palm facing downward. Paper always beats rock but never beats scissors.
Scissors is represented by an outstretched raised index finger with an outstretched lowered middle finger. The ring and pinky fingers are both closed with the thumb above them. Scissors always beats paper but never beats rock.
w - move forward
a - strafe left
s - move backward
d - strafe right
mouse - hold button and move to change viewing direction
t - start the game ( timer )
f - choose rock
g - choose paper
h - choose scissors
q - quit game
Playing a game
To play the game you must first hit the 't' key to start the timer. Now the timer will countdown for five seconds while you make your selection from rock, paper, or scissors. Selections can only be made while the timer is counting down. When the timer hits 0 the game will show your selection as well as your opponent's selection. This will result in a message in the center of the screen to tell you how you did as well as adding one point to the winner's score. From now on the timer will automatically begin a new round following a brief intermission until the game is exited.
References / Resources
1. NEHE - OpenGL tutorials, examples, and demos
2. Code for using fonts with GLUT
3. Ali BaderEddin - Code for a printf like way of using fonts with GLUT
4. Zoë Wood - Code for loading textures
5. Sky box used in program as well as many other variations