Project Doraemon


Camera Functionality:


'w' : Zooms the camera in on the scene
's' : Zooms the camera out from the scene
'd’ : Orbit the camera to the right
'a' : Orbit the camera to the left

'r’ : Orbit the camera upward
'f' : Orbit the camera downward



m’ : Doraemon walks with his head looking around

c’ : Doraemon sleeps on the ground


Face Expressions:


h’: Doraemon feels happy

z’: Doraemon feels sleepy

x’: Doraemon feels sad *tear* :’(  ~ literally



n’: Reset Doraemon and the camera




Doraemon in Action


Let’s just view at Doraemon from a distance.
Top right front view


Now we come closer to him.
Bottom left back view – look at his tail.


Now here is a strange angle.
If you don’t know what this is, this is Doraemon from the bottom.


Looks like he’s walking to somewhere. (It’s dangerous to not look at where you are going though.)


Aww… tear


Doraemon decides to take a nap instead of being sad.


See, he’s all happy after a nap.




This is what I do when things don’t rotate correctly. Make a physical note and image about it.

I don’t think anyone understands what I’m trying to point out in the picture except myself.




Helpful Places


NeHe Tutorials

