
  • A Start and End, you can Win!
  • Overhead Map View
  • World defined by external map file
  • Support for .bmp textures
  • Maze generator program to make new mazes
  • Collision detection
  • Uses only OpenGl and GLUT library calls


Maze Mania is a 3d game which allows the player to navigate a maze from the first and thrid person prespectives. The goal is simply to find and walk into the Exit on the other side of the maze, marked "The End".


On a Maze The maze algorithm I used.
More Maze Algorithms Some other algorithms I tried to implement myself.
Nehe Tutorials I used a parse from one of their tutorials for my program. Very useful site!


  • Up Arrow - Move Forward
  • Down Arrow - Move Bacward
  • Left Arrow - Turn Left
  • Right Arrow - Turn Right
  • M - Toggle overhead map view


Seth Marinello, Cal Poly CSC smarinel@calpoly.edu


This tar file contains all the source code and VS.net project file for building the program. Any computer with OpenGl and GLUT libraries installed should be able to compile, I developed it on OS X. Information building and using this program is included in MazeMe.txt. Source is include inside src.tar in the download below.
