CPE 471 Final Project

Tamagotchi Panda

screenshot of starting screen on tamagotchi game


The project was meant to use basic texturing and animation techniques to emulate a classic tamagotchi game. The basic models were meant to appear as though they were pixels on the old school screen. As added functionality to the original tamagotchis, the world was made to be mroe than the grey backdrop, and the items in the world had texturing as well.

User Instructions

The game begins by showing the user their panda pet, who will joyfully look about the screen. As the game progresses, the user will be randomly prompted to feed their panda.

screenshot of the prompt that appears when the panda wants to be fed

If the user does not respond in time, the panda will get angry and the user's progress bar at the top of the screen will decrease.

screenshot of the panda responding to not being fed

However, if they can reply in time, feeding the panda one of the two choices, then the panda will become happy and the progress will increase.

screenshot of the panda eating the bamboo option

screenshot of the panda eating the meat option

screenshot of the panda responding positively to being fed

As an added option, the user can either pet or punish their panda to aid in progressing towards either side of hte progress bar. The use of these options is however limited.
Once the progress bar reaches either end, winning on the left and losing on the right, the game will be over and thus will have to be restarted if the user wishes to continue playing. Also, the user will know once they are close to losing because the panda's face will become sad.

screenshot of the panda making a sad face

screenshot of the game once the user has won

screenshot of the game once the user has lost


All of the in game options are bound in a menu to the right mouse click. This includes feeding the pet, petting it, punishing it, nad optionally changing the texture that is applied to the fur of the panda.
The game can be exitted by choosing exit from the right mouse menu, or by pressing q on the keyboard.


Cal Poly CPE471 - Intro to Computer Graphics.
Various source code provided by Zoe Wood.

Site by Christopher McKee