CPE471 Final Project


For my final project, I created a 3D maze in which the objective is to navigate the maze and find the trophy.

As input, the program takes in a file containing a map of the maze from the command line.

This file should contain a sequence of "X"s (for trees), " " (spaces, for nothing), and ONE "O" (for trophy).

To run the program, simply compile and type "a.out filename", where "filename" is the name of the text file containing the maze.

The program will parse the file and generate a maze of trees, and print to the terminal the map (WITHOUT the location of the trophy!!).

You will now be free to navigate the maze and explore. You also have the option of customizing the settings of your game by right-clicking!!

A dropdown menu will appear that will allow you to choose the speed at which you walk/run through the maze.

You also have the choice of which season of the year you want to play in (Spring, Autumn, or Winter).

And you can also choose whether you want to play during the day, or go on a spooky nighttime maze adventure!

You're allowed to cut through the trees if you'd like, but BEWARE!! There is a high chance that you will get lost..

*Precondtion*: The maze must be a 38*18 grid maze.


Click and Drag - operate the camera, use to look around and observe your surroundings

W - walk forward

S - walk backwards

A - step to the left

D - step to the right

Q - quit

[spacebar] - jump to scope out the scene in case you get lost


Welcome to the Maze!!

What a beautiful Spring day

*Jump* - Hey! I think I can see the trophy from here!

I think I wanna go for a spirited run, let's speed things up a bit..

Let's play in the dark! Switch to night mode.

Oh, looks like Autumn has come. What beautiful orange leaves!

Hmm.. Winter.. Look at the beautiful frost touched trees and snow covered ground.

It's Spring again and I've decided to cut through the trees to try to find the trophy, but I've gotten LOST!!

Hooray! I finally found the trophy!! :D