The UP House

By: Melina Shak


I was inspired by the disney movie UP and created a model of the house featured in the movie. I attached balloons to the roof that modeled realistic movement.


  • Create realistic balloons that bounce off of each other using collision detection.
  • Have ballons respond to translations of the house. When the house moves left the balloons should also sway in that direction.
  • Detailed info

    When the program opens you can click on the window and drag the house around as featured in the picture below: balloons

    I used heiarchical modeling to translate the house, balloon strings, and ballons together. I had trouble implementing a texture shader.

    I also added a menu that:

  • Lets you look up and down
  • Select the color of the ballons
  • Sources

    Lab 9 (Heiarchical Modeling)
    House from lab 6