Hello there, my name is Rudy Alfaro and I made the Pikachu Shooting Gallery game. I'd say Pokemon was a big part of my life from ages 9 to 11. Then the newer generations of Pokemon came out and ruined everything. Anyway, I made this game in honor of Pokemon Blue and Red. I could not think of a better way to honor them then shooting one of the originals: Pikachu. But don't worry it's just a simulation. You start out in a simulation room and just try and shoot the cute little Pikachu. If you get him, you will progress to the next level in which he will be moving at a faster speed. Good luck!


Ultimately the goal of my project was to just further my knowledge of openGl and gaming programming all together. I have never made a game before this one so it was pretty fun and challenging. I wanted to make the game feel just like a first person shooter, so I made is so that the users view point would follow the mouse pointer. I had to use some inverse matrix math in order to have the users guns and crosshair follow the view as well. The next and largest challenge was trying to figure out when I was actually aiming at Pikachu. This proved harder then expected because I was warping the mouse position to the center of the screen on every redisplay in order to prevent the mouse from leaving the window. I found my solution by using gluunproject then comparing the mouse's x and y to that of the model transform of Pikachu. The rest of the program consists of rendering meshes and using timers in order to move objects / check for level completion. I also found some nice external libraries for including sound in my game: fmod.


Try and place your crosshair onto Pikachu using your mouse, then click the left mouse button to shoot. If you hit him (and trust me you'll know) then you will move on to the next level. I would also like to note that you will be given some leniency when it comes to being directly on Pikachu when you fire. There is a general hit box around the Pokemon that is larger then the creature himself, you're welcome :D. Press q to quit.


NOTE: The cursor is only showing because I pressed print screen key, otherwise its invisible.


1. OpenGL man pages

2. FMOD sound library

3. NeNe tutorials

4. CSC 471, Zoe Wood's teachings and modules