The Escape

[A Game by Robert Burton]


You have been kidnapped by the bunnies. They're tired of being blown up and picked on, and now they only want one thing: revenge. You have been placed inside their world, to serve as a sacrifice to their friend Monkey. Your only option? Run. Or, you could just shoot the monkey with your unlimited supply of rockets. It's up to you.



W - Move Forward
S - Move Backward
A - Move Right
D - Move Left
C - Shoot Rocket
V - Drop/Pickup Lamp
Spacebar - Jump




The world consists of you the player, a large monkey, the evil bunnies, and a randomly generated 20x20x20 area of cubes. These cubes are solid objects, your rockets will simply bounce off of them (with a cool realistic effect!), and the player has the ability to jump on them and gain elevation. Gravity will pull you back to the ground if you fall, but don't worry, you have very shock absorbent shoes, so you'll be fine.



The Enemy


Monkey is after you. His only purpose in life is to catch and eat you. It's your job to make sure that doesn't happen. If he touches you, it's game over. Luckily, he is not invulnerable. After being hit twice by your rockets, he will become very upset and begin shooting gravity orbs (described below). But, the third shot you place will be fatal. It's your decision whether or not to take his poor innocent life.


Monkey doesn't always know where you are due to his pretty terrible vision. To compensate though, he has a wonderful sense of smell. If you come near him, he will smell you and instantly begin chasing you. However, if you manage to get far enough away he will lose your sent and call off his search. Monkey is also affected by the blocks of the environment, although he is not capable of climbing them like you are. When hit by a rocket, he will be propelled backward from the force.



Monkey's primary attack is simply catching you and eating you. However, if provoked enough (by lets say, being hit with two rockets), he will begin firing blue gravity orbs at you. These special orbs reel you in closer to him if they make contact. This is the opposite of what you want. Make sure you keep plenty of space between you and him.


The world contains two very different light sources.



The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The strength of its light varies by it's position in the sky. In the middle of the day it is very strong, but at dusk and dawn its light is weak. When the sun completely sets, the night comes and you are surrounded in darkness. Thankfully, you have one more light source.



Your Lamp is what allows you to still see at night. Its strength is different from the sun in that it lights objects based on how close they are to you. This allows for a really cool contract of lighting between night and day, and also makes Monkey look slightly more intimidating.

You also have the ability to drop your lamp with V. This lets you place a light source anywhere you want in the world, giving you the ability to create cool effects such as the block of cubes lit from inside.
