The Red Ghost Hunt

Stephanie Bong
Winter CPE471 - Final Project

Goals for this project

Project Description

The game is about a new ghost (you) entering a forest full of ghosts - but one red ghost is trying to get rid of you and the only way to escape him is to make sure you spot him before he spots you!

Users Guide

The objective is to try to defeat the red ghost by finding him and clicking him when he appears on the field. If he escapes (you don't click him before he disappears to a new location), your health will go down by 1. Be careful - you only have 3 HP! And the red ghost has 15 HP.

The main character, the ghost being controlled, can move up or down (but not below the ground plane) and left and right.

W: move forward
S: move backward
A: strafe left
D: strafe right
Clicking and dragging the mouse controls where the user is looking


My use of bitmap text
This shows the basic text I got to appear using bitmap text

Ground texture
The texture I used for the ground, except I replaced patches of it with red using the fragment shader

Aeriel View
A flying shot of the ghost game - all ghosts except for the evil ghosts move

Sources (other than class)

Bitmap Text