Created by Jeffrey Bryan
Project Description
Create a maze and find the golden prize!! Beware the maze gods: they will get mad at you for taking their treasure and will change the maze to try and trap you!!!
Program Usage
Key Bindings:
"w": Move forward
"a": Strafe Left
"s": Move Backward
"d": Strafe Right
"[": Decreases movement speed.
"]": Increases Movement speed.
"r": Resets you to the begining of which ever maze you are in. If you are in the Begining (red) Maze, it will put you back at the inital spawn point. If in the end (blue) maze, will put you back where the prize from the red maze was.
"h": Resets you to the very begining of the Begining (red) Maze, no matter which maze you are in and no matter if you are in God mode.
"q": Exits the application.
Developer Keys:
"g": Enters/exits god mode. God mode lets you fly over the maze. Pressing "g" while in god mode will drop you directly to the ground. Note that you cannot drop into a wall;
"o": Switches to the Begining (red) Maze.
"p": Switches to the end (blue) maze.
Beginning of the game
God mode
In the red maze
Before the prize
After grabbing the prize
In the blue maze
I want to be a bird so i can fly above these walls
God Mode
End of the blue maze