William Dugger
CPE471 Final Project
Fall 2010
This project is a side-scrolling shooter. The player controls a blue ship with the goal of killing enemy red ships and not dying. My project's features include:
The goal of this project was to get a shooter that included the features above as well as:
These additional goals were not implemented due to time restrictions.
The models in the game are very simple -- I could not find good free ship or mountain models, so I used very simple ones I made myself.
However, the game is quite capable of using other, more complicated models in replacement.
The collision detection in this game is modeled as a plane for the ground, and Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes for the player and enemies.
To control the program, use the following keys:
'w' : move blue ship upwards and pitch ship up
's' : move blue ship downwards and pitch ship down
'a' : move blue ship backwards
'd' : move blue ship forwards
space : fire a bullet
'c' : reset game
'q' : exits the program
The images, left to right: