Animated Dragon Model

Zachary Behnke
CPE 471 Fall 2012
Professor Wood

Project Description:

My project lets the user manipulate a 3D dragon model set above a plane of lava. The user can move the camera for different view of the model.

Project Goal/Idea:

My final project's goal was to animate a dragon model's wings and tail. This proved somewhat challenging as the model I used had to be divided up into individual pieces.


W,A,S,D: Typical camera controls.
Z: Allows the user to "sprint".

K: Speeds up the flapping speed of the wings.
L: Slows down the flapping speed of the wings.

I: Speeds up the movement of the tail.
O: Slows down the movement of the tail.

Y: Moves the scene up.
H: Moves the scene down in order to see Barney's head better.

R: Resets the angle of the wings, tail, and their respective speeds. Also resets the Y value of the scene.
Q: Quits the program.


  • Dividing the Dragon
  • A fair amount of my time was spent in Blender, a free model maker/editor tool. The original model needed to be split into different pieces in order to make them move.

    For reference the original body of the dragon started out like this...

    The whole dragon model.

    ...and ended up looking like this after editing.

    The final dragon body.

    The wings.

    The right wing.

    The left wing.

    The tail.

    The top section of the tail.

    The mid section of the tail.

    And finally, the tip of the dragon's tail.

  • Color/Textures
  • The dragon model came included with textures. As a place holder I just had the entire model colored red to start out.

    The red colored dragon.

    Later I applied the four included textures to the dragon model.

    The textured dragon.

  • References
  • 3D Dragon Model
    A Blender Tutorial I Used

  • Screenshots

  • Raaaaawr!