by Andres Gonzalez

CPE-471 Winter 2010


The inspiration for this project came from a game called Audiosurf, which combines elements of an music visualizer with a simple puzzle game. The game involves a ship traveling along a track collected different color blocks that disappear when three or more of the same color are touching. The most impressive thing about Audiosurf is the way the track is generated from the song that is loaded.


Since analyzing audio information is beyond the scope of this project, SurFX generates a track that is a long as the selected song. There are five different lanes to the track, each having a different audio effect on the playing song. Moving the “player” ship to the different lanes changes which audio effect is currently being used, with the middle of track being no effect at all. To add an audio visualizer kind of feel to the project, there are shapes around the track that change along with the sound effect. Colors of the shapes and the ship all change (gradually) along with effects.

When the program is run, the command prompt waits for the user to input the file name of a desired song as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows a filled in prompt with a selected song to play.

Figure 2

Once the song has been entered, the track is generated and the song begins to play. The user can press the right and left arrow keys to move the ship between tracks. Several screen shots are shown below.

Screen Shots


Right Arrow – Move right

Left Arrow – Move left

P – Pause

Q – Quit


irrKlang Audio Library