Hogwarts through the eye of a 21yr old

By Abhi Vaishnav

In this project I wanted to model the Harry Potter castle. I am a big Harry Potter fan and wanted to create something related to it. I built a castle that has the 4 house tables, the teachers table and towers surrounding the castle.
No Harry Potter world is complete without some magic and hence, I added the sorting hat which can be moved up and down and side to side. It is missing the functionality of moving front to back since I could not get the algorithm to translate in the z axis work correctly.
As an added bonus, the user can move the camera back and hit the 'g' button to see a golden snitch fly around in a set pattern.

How it is done:

   The castle walls are built hierarchically. There are a total of 12 faces and each face is texture mapped. The front wall is texture mapped with traditional castle windows while the 2 sides are texture mapped with the 4 house's emblem. The back wall is mapped with a Hogwart's emblem. I was most excited about getting this because it was one the first things I remember reading in the book. 
   The 4 towers are built using cylinders and cones(which were rotate -90 degrees along <1,0,0>.vector). The cylinders are texture mapped with the same windows as the front wall is texture mapped with. 
   Inside the castle the roof is texture mapped with stars and there are 50 candles that are floating above everyone. The candles are made with cylinders, donuts and cones. 
   The house and teacher tables are hierarchically modeled with the house tables texture mapped with food and the teacher's table holding the sorting hat. 
   Outside the castle and 10 units back, the snitch is a sphere which is translated in the x and y direction to give it the look of moving up and down. 

Next step:

   Add collision detection so you cannot run into the tables or the side walls and the sorting hat cannot go through a table. 
   Add the ability to move the sorting hat in the z direction. 
   Make the snitch move in random directions so the user is able to play a pseudo game of Quidditch. 

Camera movement:

	'w' or 'W': Move forward
   's' or 'S': Move backward
   'a' or 'A': Strafe left
   'd' or 'D': Strafe right 
   Use mouse to control where you are looking. 

Sorting hat:

   'm' or 'M': Halts camera movement and starts sorting hat movement. Must hit 'm' or 'M' to toggle this mode. 


   'g' or 'G': When you are at least 11 units away from the front the castle(using 's' or 'S'). 


The front of the castle


Inside the castle when you first enter. Notice the candles above and the food on the table.
I was really excited about the Hogwarts emblem.

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff windows. The roof looks like the sky outside with the stars and
the candles provide the light.

The sorting hat rests on the teachers table

When you are outside, hit 'g' to see the golden snitch fly around


All the pictures used texture map were found using google search.

--Abhi Vaishnav, CSC 471 Zoe Wood