Welcome to Craig Leitterman's CPE 471 Web Page
--- Current Project -> Labryinth ---


Labryinth is a maze game where the user moves the camera around the world in search of treasure chests. Once found the user can then trigger a playable mini game complete with mutliple levels and intense yet simple gameplay. The user can stop playing and at anytime continue exploring the maze. The level information for the game is also saved at this time.


-- Fully Textured World (now with Multiple Tree Textures!)
-- Multiple Hierarchically Built Models
-- Mini Game (The Falling Sphere)
-- Exploration
-- Collision Detection
-- Position Triggered Events
-- Intuitive Controls
-- Spooky Lighting Mode
-- Easy To Use Map Editor

Map Designer:

Maze Levels are conceptially implimented as a grid. This allows easy changes to levels or to add new levels to the maze very easily just by modifying or adding additional text files.

Ex: Text File


1 = Trees, 2 = Treasure, 3 = Other objects or models (ex creatures)

From Text to World: a Finished Level (Air View)


The Falling Sphere :

The goal of the mini game is to move the sphere all the way across the screen to the green boundary before it falls and hits the red boundary. Hit the correct key that corresponds to the color'd rectangle at the top. Doing so will move the ball over to the right and amount equal to 1 divided by the minigame level. Incorrect key presses will move the ball left the same amount. Note: you cant reach further left than the starting point. Reaching the other side will change the texture on the sphere to tell the user they are on a new level. The same texture after starting means they didn't make it across in time. Controls for the game are listed below in the controls section. Current Highest Level Achieved is PINK! (level 13)



Camera (Maze World Only)

'left mouse button' + 'mouse move' = move the camera around in the world to look around

'middle mouse button' + 'mouse move' = allow camera to fly up and view the entire world (demo purposes only)

Movement - relative to where the camera is looking (Maze World Only)

'w' = move forward

's' = move backward

'a' = strafe left

'd' = strafe right


'right mouse button' = triggers context sensitive events. ex: toggle between mini game and world when in rage of treasure chest

MiniGame (Mini Game World Only)

spacebar = starts the current level; ball starts to fall

'z' = press to move ball to the right when GREEN square is shown on the top bar

'x' = press to move ball to the right when PINK square is shown on the top bar

',' = press to move ball to the right when BLUE square is shown on the top bar

'.' = press to move ball to the right when ORANGE square is shown on the top bar

'i' = press to reset the ball to the starting position for that level

'p' = press to restart the mini game at level 1


'esc' = quit the program

'm' = toggles mood lighting for maze world on or off

Useful Links

free textures!
OpenGL Docs!