California Polytechnic State University
Computer Science Department
CPE 471, Winter 2010
Final Project Assignment

Daniel Kohler
16 March 2010


This program uses C++ and OpenGL to render a scene that animates a cartoonized life-cycle of flowers. The scene is composed of a ground plane with grass texture, a sky box with a cloudy sky texture, and flower objects that appear, grow, die, disappear, and re-appear at a new random location. The world may be explored in first person.


Foreground: a red flower in full bloom. Mid-ground: a white flower in the early stage of death. Background: a white flower in early stage of growth.

Foreground: a red flower mid-growth, just beginning to bloom. Background: a white flower early-mid-growth, prior to bloom.

A white flower in mid-bloom.

A red flower in mid-bloom.

Foreground: a red flower in mid-stage of death. Background: A red flower in early stage of death.

Lots of happy flowers.

Lots of less-happy flowers. :|


The user has the control to move the camera position and direction in the world.


Click-and-drag to look around in the style of a first-person shooter. Vertical view angle is limited to 45 degrees from the horizontal plane.



The crux of this program is the animation, which relies on the hierarchical relationship between graphical objects. One of the first steps in writing this program was to define a drawable structure. This structure contained information on how to graphically represent a single, simple object on the screen, including geometry, texture, and lighting properties, as well as position and orientation. It also contains a link to a parent and to multiple children, which are the key to hierarchical modeling. The following two tables describe the structs used in this program for hierarchical modeling and animation.

typedef struct drawable
Data Type Member Name Description
Vector3 center Coordinates of the object's center, in object geometry space.
Vector3 irotAxis Initial rotation axis about object's center.
float irotAngle Initial rotation angle.
Vector3 position Object's position in parent/world space.
Vector3 rotAxis Object's rotation axis about object's center, after initial rotation.
float rotAngle Object's rotation angle, after initial rotation.
Vector3 size Not to be confused with 'scale'. Size is used when the shape is a geometric primitive. It determines length, width, height, radius, etc... This variable does not affect scale of children.
Vector3 scale Scales this object and its children.
int shape = 0: cube (l, w, h: size)
= 1: sphere (radius: size)
= 2: mesh (see thisMesh)
= 3: leaf
= 4: red petal
= 5: white petal
materialStruct material Contains RGB values for ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting, and the degree of shininess.
mesh * thisMesh In the case that shape = 2, thisMesh contains geometry including vertices, triangles, surface normal vectors, and vertex normal vectors.
drawable * parent Link to parent object, if applicable; otherwise NULL.
vector<drawable *> children Links to all children, if applicable.
void draw() 1. Performs all transformations previously described.
2. Calls appropriate drawing helper function.
3. Calls the draw() functions of all children.


struct Flower
Data Type Variable Name Description
drawable * stalk This flower's stalk.
drawable * leaf1 This flower's larger bottom leaf.
drawable * leaf2 This flower's smaller, top leaf.
drawable * bud This flower's bud (red or white)
drawable * petals[6] This flower's six petal objects.
int thisStartTime The time in program animation milliseconds.
void doAnimation() Sets the scaling, rotations, and positions of the stalk, leaves, and petals, as a function of this flower's animation time relative to thisStartTime.
void start() 1. Resets positions, orientations, and scales of all flower members.
2. Sets thisStartTime to current animation time.


GLUT API, Version 3
Imagination (no hyperlink)