Lightsaber Simulator

by Evan Ralston

*note that the type YHE has been fixed to THE

For my final Project I decided to implement a simple light saber simulator

The program will...

1)Model a lightsaber and laser bolts.
2)Fire laser bolts at random locations on the near plane.
3)Allow the user to control the movement and rotation of the lightsaber.
4)Collision detect the laser bolts against the lightsaber.
5)Fire a new laser bolt when you block the previous laser bolt OR the previous laser bolt hits you.
6)Display how many laser bolts you have successfully blocked and how many have hit you.
7)Complete steps 1-6 before the deadline.

I would have to say that this project was a success, since all of those steps were completed and I was able to implement several additional features.

Helpful links:
Drawing Text
Texture Image