Final Project for CPE 471 - Tree Generator


I wanted to have a world what changes with all four seasons, with a continuous cycle of growing trees. The trees will grow taller each and every season.  I used a recursive algorithm to model the tree’s growth. Tree growth can be controlled using the + and - keys.Pressing The 'e' button can spawn new trees, so that the user can have different trees in different stages of development. Once they reach a certain stage of being "full grown," they remain at that stage.


w - move camera forward
s - move camera backward
a - pan camera left
d - pan camera right
</> - controls amount of recursion (number of branches)
-/+ - slow down/speed up plant growth
e - spawn seed in front of camera
r - reset camera and destroy all trees
left mouse - click and drag to move the camera-/+
q - quit

Seasons Change:

Brownish Fall Higher Recursion

