Domino's Fish Find Game


Description of Project

In aquaint 2 bedroom house, with a living room, dinning room, and office, among the furniture, hides Beta the fish. Domino's Fish Find Game has one goal: find the fish hidden in Domino's house and make Domino eat the fish. Inspired by my cat, who ate my fish out of the bowl, this game has a happy ending - once Domino eat's the fish, she changes color and does a victory dance. The house is surround by grass, and has a cream carpet textured floor. The walls are a brown texture. Each bed in the bedrooms have different comforter textures, one is cheetah while the other is cherry blossom art. The couch has a floar pattern and faces the old time television. The Dining Room has a long wood textured table with two chairs, one at each end. Then in the office there is a wood textured desk with a chair at it.


Technical Information

I used mutiple concepts that we learned over the quarter. The viewing camera can be manipulated along the x and z azis, as well as rotated like a virtual trackball. All objects in the scene, the furniture, walls, floor, Domino, and Beta, all are rendered using texture mapping. Animation was used in Domino's victory dance. Collision detection between Beta and Domino allows Domino to "eat" the fish when she comes in contact with it. Collision detection does not exist between Domino and the walls or the furniture in the house. Different materials are used to generate Domino's body depending on if she is victorious in eating the fish or not.

User Information

Domino Controls

Key Control
W Move Domino forward in the scene
S Move Domino backward in the scene
A Strafe Domino left in the scene
D Strafe Domino right in the scene

View Controls

Key Control
I Move view forward
K Move view backward
J Strafe view to the left
L Strafe view to the right
Mouse Move Rotate camera

Using the mouse you can rotate the view 360 degrees around it's current position. If you click down in the scene and drag the mouse to the left the view rotates to view toward the left. If you drag the mouse up, the view rotates to look up. When the mouse is dragged towards the left, the view follows. The view reacts according to this when the mouse is dragged downward.


Beta by the cheetah bed in one bedroom.


Domino by the cherry blossom bed in the other bedroom.

office and grass

The desk and chair in the office with a view of the outside grass.

Living Room Domi

Domino in the living room with the couch and television.

Victory Dance and Dining

Domino doing her victory dance after finding a fish in the dining room.