Seth Black

Final Project

CPE 471 Winter 2010

The purpose of this program is to serve as a battle map for pencil & paper RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. As it stands, the program fulfills the basic requirements for this use: it can keep track of and display the position of characters on a 16x16 map. Everything else about it is bonus.

explanation image

As shown above, figures can come in three models (fighter, mage, and rogue) and four sizes (from left to right: small, medium, large, and huge) and can have two colors, each from a set of nine for a total of 81 combinations. The square under the rogue figure is the selection box and is used when model selection is off. In that case, it marks where a new figure will be placed if the "add model" button is pressed, and which figure is to be removed if "remove model" is pressed. Note: the actual "position" of figures and the selection box, regardless of size, is their south west corner square. A model will not be removed unless the "position" of the box matches the model's.

If "Select model" is checked, it will be possible to select the figures themselves. Clicking on the figure or its "position" selects it, and a selected figure is marked by a white light. While selected, you can change the colors, model, and (if room allows) the size of the figure using the menu on the right. Also, the position and facing of the figure can be changed using the keyboard. In Select-model mode, the kill options become available (except for "kill'em all" which is always available). The kill options are basically remove-model with animation; "kill with fire" just makes the figure glow orange while dying. "Kill'em All" quite obviously kills all the models on the grid, and is useful if you need to clear to map.


If "Select model" is checked, multiple figures can be selected (unchecked, the program simply deselects the previous figure when a new one is chosen). As before, the figures are selected by clicking on them; deselecting is done the same way. While multiple figures are selected, the colors, models, and positions of the group can be changed together (size and facing are only in single selection). Likewise, "remove","kill", and "kill with fire" will affect all selected figures.

Figures cannot occupy the same squares. When this is attempted (whether by movement, addition, or resizing), the figure will flash red to show that the program won't allow the action and why. If multiple figures are moving, one figure's blocked movement will not prevent the rest. Note: if the figures are close to each other and move such that one figure would move into a square that another would vacate, the figures will flash as if prevented, but the figures will still move.


Note: GLUI does not respond to the keyboard. To use those controls, you will need to return focus to the display by clicking on it.

The Green Army.


While "finished" for purposes of the assignment, this program is not compete. There are a number of features I will probably add while I have time, as well as more models, such as monsters.