Mr. Toast

Project Description
For my project I made a hierarchical model of Mr. Toast and Shaky Bacon. For those
of you unfamiliar with The World of Mr. Toast I encourage you to take a look.

If you right click a menu will show up that will let you choose what object to move around (Camera, Mr. Toast, Shaky Bacon)
(*Note: controls are relative to the current object.)
w: Moves the current object forward
s: Moves the current object backwards
a: Moves the current object to the left
d: Moves the current object to the right
q: Rotates the current object to the left
e: Rotates the current object to the right
r: Make Mr. Toast wave his hand
m: Make Shaky Bacon shake
ESC: Close the window
Also if you move the mouse far enough to one side of the screen the camera will move in that direction.

Sample Screen Shots

Mr. Toast

Shaky Bacon

NeHe Tutorials