Spencer Woodworth - Ray Tracer

Perlin Noise

I added perlin noise textures.

I then decided to add perlin noise normal mapping.

Texture Mapping

I added texture mapping to spheres and planes in world space using spherical coordinates and the plane's basis vectors.

Depth of field

I also added depth of field. The desired focal length can be set in the povray scene file. For example, dof {11} would result in a focal length of 11.


  • Spherical Mapping with normals - http://www.mvps.org/directx/articles/spheremap.htm
  • Perlin Noise - http://www.codermind.com/articles/Raytracer-in-C++-Part-III-Textures.html
  • Depth of Field - http://www.codermind.com/articles/Raytracer-in-C++-Depth-of-field-Fresnel-blobs.html and http://ray-tracer-concept.blogspot.com/2011/12/depth-of-field.html