CPE 473 Final Project:

Ray Tracer and Virtual Reality Speech


To demonstrate the ray tracer, I made three renders.

  1. This image demonstrates reflections and global illumination. I thought it came out looking very pretty, with the pastel effects on the walls. The effects of the reflection of the balls in the back is also interesting, as the reflections don't have global illumination. Although it doesn't look realistic, it looks kinda cool.
  2. This image was picked because of how cool the reflections look. Originally started as a bunny face, it then became half bunny half pig. The reflections look cooland show off almost every angle of the face. Also, the refraction on the ball ontop the head looks interesting in the reflections.
  3. This image uses light and refraction to show a cow being abducted by a space ship.

Virtual Reality Speech Simulation

This project was done by Kyle Piddington and myself. We created a virtual environment for users to practice giving speeches and to help them fight their fear of public speaking. This project was actually worked on as an independent study project. The results were pretty positive, as people did experience stage fright while using it. With more time and effort, this project could be turned into a tool for speakers in training. With this tool, the user can walk around on stage and teleport to new locations. They are also able to start and stop their speech at a touch of a button. Doing so adjusts the lights and toggles the speech timer.