Final Renderer Pictures and VR Project
By Luke Gnos
Final 3 Render Pictures
1: Colorful triangles intertwined with refractive spheres with varying indices of refraction, demonstrates refraction capabilities of the render."
"2: 473 numbers made out of blocks, with refractive spheres and triangles in front to show refraction complexity."
"3: 3 spheres, one reflective, with 10 light sources of different colors to show reflection and shadowing complexity."
VR Project
- "My final VR project used the simple tutorial provided by Google with a few modifications
- The first modification was to add two "flying" dragons into the background. This was accomplished by taking a mesh previously used in a 471 project and importing it into Unity. Then I wrote a quick script that moved the object around the viewer in a circle, and had the dragon always look tangentially while traversing its path."
- The next change was to swap out the basic cube in the demo for a mesh of a robot face that always faces the viewer. To make this work I had to change the orientation of the robot everytime it's position changed by setting its look-at vector to the viewer in the script.
- The final modification was to make a "jump scare" by randomly making the robot turn into a scary face and move quickly to the camera. To do this I made a new cube of roughly the same size, and attached a texture to it of the scary picture. Then, whenever the player clicked the face, if the random number generated fit the criteria, the cube would be moved from below the ground to the robot's old position, and then move quickly towards the viewer before resetting out of sight.
Dragons in background with Robot face
Scary face that pops up randomly when the robot is clicked on