Anne Bone

CPE 473 - Raytracer Images & Campsite VR


The above is the Jumbo Bunny, composed of 36,000 spheres. This ran in under 30 seconds. Src:


The above is a Large Dragon (not Huge Dragon!), using something over 11,000 triangles. This also ran under 30 seconds. Src: 


The above a simple reflection image using 5 reflective planes (one in the back that can't be seen) of varying colors and a pinkish/purplish reflective sphere in the middle. All the reflections make the sphere look like it's been divided up in colors.

Campsite VR

For my VR project, I used various Campsite-themed assets as well as various environment assets (terrain, grass, mushrooms, skybox) from the Unity assets store in order to create a nighttime campsite virtual reality. You can hear the sound of the fireplace at all times, and you can also hear music coming from one of the tents (we assume there's a person inside listening to a radio (: ). If you hover over that tent, the reticle will enlargen. If you click on that tent, the music will mute. If you click on that tent again, the music will unmute.

My project uses the Google Cardboard Demo Teleport script for the reticle interactions. I altered the script so that instead of a selected object teleporting at random, it would mute its respective audio.